Avail CPA uses a secure online service called RightSignature to obtain digital signatures on your documents.

Below, you will find instructions on how to use RightSignature. Click on a specific topic for more information or scroll down to view all.

Video Tutorial
How do I sign a document that was sent to me?
What is an e-signature?
Are e-signatures legally binding?
Can I use my phone, tablet, or computer to sign?
Will the information I provide be kept private?

Video Tutorial

How do I sign a document that was sent to me?

Step 1

Read the yellow RightStep Bar at the bottom of the document to find out how many items you need to fill out.

Step 2

Click on the red NaviGuide flag on the left side of the document to be taken to the area of the document where the next required task is located.

Step 3

If applicable, click a text field to begin entering information and then type the required information. If there are checkboxes, click inside a checkbox to select and check it. To set a date field, click in the box and a calendar will appear. To confirm, select the desired date from the calendar.

Step 4

Sign your name in the signature box. USING A MOUSE Click and drag in the box with the left click button to draw your signature. USING A TRACKPAD Click in the box, hold your thumb down on the trackpad, and draw your signature with your index finger. USING A MOBILE DEVICE Draw your name with your finger inside the signature box.

Step 5

When all of the required fields are complete on the document, the Submit Signature button will become highlighted. Click this button to complete the signing process.

What is an e-signature?

An e-signature, or electronic signature, is a method for signing documents electronically without pen or paper.

Are e-signatures legally binding?

Electronic signatures have the same legal validity and enforceability of pen-and-paper documents, when executed in compliance with e-signature laws.

Can I use my phone, tablet, or computer to sign?

RightSignature requires no software to download or install, and documents can be signed on any computer, smartphone, or tablet with a modern web browser.

Please Note You must have an active internet connection to access your document.

Will the information I provide be kept private?

Yes. The privacy and security of your information is our highest priority. Legislation mandates the privacy requirements of e-signatures and contracts. The privacy of anyone who uses an electronic signature is strenuously protected by law. Any unique information provided by an individual or a business, such as passwords and other data, may not be disclosed to a third party.

You may view our full privacy policy HERE.


If you have any questions or need help with RightSignature, please contact your local Avail office or message the Avail CPA Help Desk using the form below.